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Mentorship Program

ADHA CT Mentor Program:


 ADHA CT is committed to excellence in the advancement of dental hygiene and in the next generation of dental hygienists. We encourage you to participate in our Mentor Program as a way to bring dental hygienists and students together.  This allows students (or less experienced peers) to get the guidance and encouragement they need while allowing today's dental hygienists to directly nurture the future of dental hygiene.


Potential mentors:  Remember when you were a student completing your educational program in dental hygiene?  Do you think that your time as a student would have been made easier if you had a mentor to talk to outside of your program setting? Do you think that you would have transitioned more smoothly from your educational program into the professional world if you had a working friend to give you first hand insight?  If you feel like a mentor would have benefited your dental hygiene experience, then maybe you’d like to participate?


Student mentees:  Being a student member of ADHA is the gateway to your future professional development.  Our mentorship program will assist you in meeting your peers and connecting with today’s dental hygiene leaders. If you choose to participate in the program, you’ll be paired up with an established dental hygienist that can answer your questions, provide guidance and support while you complete your education and stay with you to the end of your first year in the real world of dental hygiene.  

To enroll in the program, review the general information & guidelines and fill out an application.  Enrollment does not guarantee that all students will be able to be appropriately matched to mentors but our association is committed to assisting in this process to the best of our ability.  As soon as you have been paired up with a mentor in your area, both you and your mentor will be notified of the pairing via e-mail.

General Information:

  • One year Mentor-Mentee relationship (optional long term personal & professional friendship)

    • Mentors matched to peers or students in senior year for term of January to December

  • Mentors are ADHA members willing to give support, show expertise, and provide constructive feedback

  • May include up to 3 observations in the work place and attendance of component meetings

  • Focused conversations on the value / benefits of ADHA membership, why membership is important to the profession, how & why to get involved

  • Mentors may assist students with scholarship applications, preparing for boards, send congratulations on graduation, resume writing, interview skills, guidance on work issues and work-life balance, introductions to their component, and transitioning from student to full ADHA membership.  

  • Mentors to initiate communication with mentees monthly in person or by zoom, phone, text, or email

  • Mentors to send quarterly updates on mentoring relationship, activities, concerns to mentorship chair

  • Student/mentees are encouraged to pay it forward by becoming a member/mentor the following year for the next class

  • Benefits of mentorship – Mentors build resume with leadership experience, gain personal satisfaction by sharing enthusiasm for our profession.   Mentees build confidence by gaining valuable advice and insight from an outside experienced professional.  

  • Mentorship award and appreciation acknowledgement at Annual Nutmeg Conference.



Mentor Guidelines:  

• I respect my student's time, and I will answer e-mails promptly. 

• I will try to guide my student by words and example. 

• I realize the relationship between myself and my student is professional and that our communications should remain private. 

• I acknowledge that any views, opinions, guidance or remarks I may make are personal and may not reflect the views, opinions, guidance or remarks of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association, its constituents and components, or any other professional association. 

• I will notify my student when I am unavailable to receive/send e-mails. 

• I promise to abide by the guidelines or any other guidelines in the future, adopted by the Virtual Mentoring Program. If I fail to adhere to these guidelines, I understand and agree that my name may be removed from the mentoring list. 

• I understand that my assignment as a mentor is voluntary. If I elect to discontinue my participation in the Mentoring Program, I agree to promptly e-mail my student of this decision. As a courtesy to my student and the Mentoring Program, I will also promptly notify the appropriate local sponsoring constituent or component. 




Student Guidelines: 

• I respect my mentor's time, and I promise to keep my e-mails short and to the point. 

• I will try to keep requests for expedited responses to a minimum. 

• I realize the relationship between myself and my mentor is professional and that our communications should remain private. 

• When venting frustration or concern, I will not use profanity, make derogatory remarks, or specify names of people or entities in my communications. 

• I will notify my mentor when I am unavailable to receive/send e-mails. 

• I understand and acknowledge that any views, opinions, guidance or remarks of my mentor are specific to him/her and may not reflect the views, opinions, guidance or remarks of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association, its constituents or components, or any other professional associations. 

• I promise to abide by the guidelines or any other guidelines in the future, adopted by the Virtual Mentoring Program. If I fail to adhere to these guidelines, I understand and agree that my name may be removed from the mentoring list. 

• I understand that the assignment of mentors is voluntary. If my mentor elects to discontinue his/her participation in the Mentoring Program, and I desire to be assigned another mentor, I may choose another mentor through the Mentoring Program.



Contact Information: 

  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Facebook

2025 Board of Trustee 
Meeting Schedule: 

Executive Board -Dec 15, 2025
2025 BOT Meetings
Zoom- unless notified 
Monday Jan 27th, Feb. 24th, March TBA ,April 14th, May 19, June 30th,
Sept 8th, Oct 6th 
Oct 27th HOD Practice Session
HOD Saturday Nov. 8th 2025


For US Mail:
Connecticut Dental Hygienists Association
Central office address
PO Box 424
Norwalk, CT. 06852    

Website Manager:

CDHA President:

Bernice Iwinski BSDH, RDH


© 2023 by CDHA

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